I want to draw 3D PCA with pylot (Scatter3d), however the graphics is not showing up in jupyterlab only in jupyter-notebook.
I've installed the 'jupyterlab_plotly' package and I was able to create an 'jupyterlab_plotly.Plotly object', but I couldn't figure out how to actually include/draw the graphics in the notebook.
I wonder if someone could post a working example of drawing figures in jupyterlab with pyplot.
(The example at the project's git site - https://github.com/gnestor/jupyterlab_plotly- only present an 'jupyterlab_plotly.Plotly object', but not the graphics itself)
I had the same issue. Looks like the project has moved over here:
Installing with the suggested:
jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/plotly-extension
worked for me.