I have a column of data I'm reading in Tableau directly from Redshift. This column contains a JSON object. It looks like this:
{"Age": 58, "City": "Wisconsin Rapids", "Race": "Other", "State": "Wisconsin", "Gender": "Female", "Country": "United States"}
I wish to extract this data by generating a column with a calculated field for each data point of interest using Tableau's REGEXP_EXTRACT function. I.e. an Age column, a City column etc.
How do I write a line of regular expressions to get the value of 58 for Age, Wisoncsin Rapids for City, etc.
You can use this regex :
to extract its value here Age for example
if you want other key for example State use State instead of Age
you'll find the value of the key in the first group See here https://regex101.com/r/KA7PSl/2