Calling a function with Go Reflect

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-08 11:50:23


I was wondering if it was possible to not know a function name but call it anyway and get values from it. This lead me to the reflection package and I got pretty close but I’m not sure about the last step - if there is one. Again please forgive me if I am missing something obvious, this is my first attempt at doing anything in Go other than getting it setup.

Of course being a compiled language there is no need to iterate through things to find function names, I know them all, but this is something I want to see if it is possible… I’m playing and learning.

Below is the code. What I would really like to do is in the main line extract the values set in ModuleBoot() <“1.0012”, 23> and SomethingBoot() <“1.0000”, 10> but so far all as I can get is structure information. Perhaps that’s just the way it is but perhaps there is a step or change that can make it go the next step.

Hopefully I copied all the relevant code over correctly so it compiles as is:

// Using: go version go1.9.7 linux/amd64
FILE: main.go
package main

import (

func main() {

  miType := reflect.TypeOf(core.ModuleInfo{})


  for i := 0; i < miType.NumMethod(); i++ {
    method := miType.Method(i)

    in := make([]reflect.Value, method.Type.NumIn())
    in[0] = reflect.ValueOf(core.ModuleInfo{})
    //fmt.Println("Params in:", method.Type.NumIn(), "Params out:", method.Type.NumOut())

    mi := method.Func.Call(in)
    fmt.Println("mi:", mi)


FILE: playing/modules/core/something.go
package core

func (mi ModuleInfo) SomethingBoot() ModuleInfo {
  mi.Version = "1.0000"
  mi.Priority = 10
  return mi

FILE: playing/modules/core/modules.go
package core

type ModuleInfo struct {
  Version string
  Priority int

func (mi ModuleInfo) ModuleBoot() ModuleInfo {
  mi.Version = "1.0012"
  mi.Priority = 23
  return mi

The output I got from this was:

Started delve with config "Debug"

mi: [<core.ModuleInfo Value>]

mi: [<core.ModuleInfo Value>]

delve closed with code 0


To get the return value as a ModuleInfo, get the underlying value of the first return value and type assert that interface value to ModuleInfo:

// mi has type core.ModuleInfo
mi := method.Func.Call(in)[0].Interface().(core.ModuleInfo)

Run it on the Playground.

You can cut some of the reflect code by type asserting the method to a function with the correct signature and calling that function directly:

for i := 0; i < miType.NumMethod(); i++ {
    method := miType.Method(i).Func.Interface().(func(core.ModuleInfo) core.ModuleInfo)
    mi := method(core.ModuleInfo{})
    fmt.Println("Version", mi.Version)
    fmt.Println("Priority", mi.Priority)

Run it on the Playground


Go natively supports functions as values; you don't need reflection to do this.

In particular, if you make your two functions top-level functions (not specifically tied to a struct):

package core
type ModuleInfo struct { ... }
func SomethingBoot() ModuleInfo
func ModuleBoot() ModuleInfo

Then you can write a function that takes a function as a parameter:

func PrintVersion(func booter() core.ModuleInfo) {
        mi := booter()
        fmt.Printf("version %s\n", mi.Version)

And you can just pass the pre-existing functions as parameters:


Notice that there aren't parentheses after the function name: you are passing the function itself as a parameter, not calling the function and passing its return value.

