How to use murmur hash function in google sparse hash map? Could you please give me step by step instructions on how to use murmur hash function? I'm using visual c++.
Currently I'm using std::hash hash function in google sparse hash map. Is there any performance difference between the goole sparse hash maps which are implemented using std::hash and murmur hash?
You need to provide hash function to sparse_hash_map
template. I've checked https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/; it's interface is different than std::hash<>
, so you'll need to write adapter class. Here's a working example (keep in mind that adapter only covers some cases):
#include <iostream>
#include <sparsehash/sparse_hash_map>
using google::sparse_hash_map; // namespace where class lives by default
using namespace std;
// 64-bit hash for 64-bit platforms
// copied from https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/
uint64_t MurmurHash64A ( const void * key, int len, unsigned int seed )
const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995;
const int r = 47;
uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * m);
const uint64_t * data = (const uint64_t *)key;
const uint64_t * end = data + (len/8);
while(data != end)
uint64_t k = *data++;
k *= m;
k ^= k >> r;
k *= m;
h ^= k;
h *= m;
const unsigned char * data2 = (const unsigned char*)data;
switch(len & 7)
case 7: h ^= uint64_t(data2[6]) << 48;
case 6: h ^= uint64_t(data2[5]) << 40;
case 5: h ^= uint64_t(data2[4]) << 32;
case 4: h ^= uint64_t(data2[3]) << 24;
case 3: h ^= uint64_t(data2[2]) << 16;
case 2: h ^= uint64_t(data2[1]) << 8;
case 1: h ^= uint64_t(data2[0]);
h *= m;
h ^= h >> r;
h *= m;
h ^= h >> r;
return h;
// simple hash adapter for types without pointers
template<typename T>
struct MurmurHasher {
size_t operator()(const T& t) const {
return MurmurHash64A(&t, sizeof(t), 0);
// specialization for strings
struct MurmurHasher<string> {
size_t operator()(const string& t) const {
return MurmurHash64A(t.c_str(), t.size(), 0);
struct eqstr
bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
return (s1 == s2) || (s1 && s2 && strcmp(s1, s2) == 0);
int main()
sparse_hash_map<const char*, int, MurmurHasher<const char*>, eqstr> months;
months["january"] = 31;
months["february"] = 28;
months["march"] = 31;
months["april"] = 30;
months["may"] = 31;
months["june"] = 30;
months["july"] = 31;
months["august"] = 31;
months["september"] = 30;
months["october"] = 31;
months["november"] = 30;
months["december"] = 31;
cout << "september -> " << months["september"] << endl;
cout << "april -> " << months["april"] << endl;
cout << "june -> " << months["june"] << endl;
cout << "november -> " << months["november"] << endl;
sparse_hash_map<string, int, MurmurHasher<string>> years;
years["2012"] = 366;
cout << "2012 -> " << years["2012"] << endl;
Performance will probably depend on your data patterns, so you should do the tests yourself.