My Access database has a query which, I suspect, is called by macros or other queries. Is there any way to run a Find on the "code" of all the macros and/or queries, to look for a text string (in this case, the query name)?
this lists all the tables & queries:
SELECT IIf([type] = 5, "Query", "Table") AS [Object type]
,MSysQueries.Flag AS [Query type]
FROM MSysObjects
LEFT JOIN MSysQueries ON MSysObjects.Id = MSysQueries.ObjectId
GROUP BY IIf([type] = 5, "Query", "Table")
(MSysObjects.NAME) NOT LIKE "~*"
AND (MSysObjects.NAME) NOT LIKE "Msys*"
(MSysObjects.Type) = 1
OR (MSysObjects.Type) = 4
OR (MSysObjects.Type) = 6
OR (MSysObjects.Type) = 5
ORDER BY IIf([type] = 5, "Query", "Table") DESC
and this one lists each object and the queries that reference it:
SELECT [~MSys Tables & Queries].NAME AS [Object]
,MSysObjects.NAME AS [Used in query]
FROM [~MSys Tables & Queries]
MSysQueries LEFT JOIN MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
) ON [~MSys Tables & Queries].NAME = MSysQueries.Name1
GROUP BY [~MSys Tables & Queries].NAME
ORDER BY [~MSys Tables & Queries].NAME
I don't know how to search through Macros the same way. Also, I'm not sure this always picks up objects used in Union queries.
I hope it gives you a place tro start.
You can install a free Access Add-in Access Dependency Checker, it can search strings thru all objects.