Let's say we want to draw the transition graph with two states of a NPDA that accepts that language L. And let's also say that this NPDA will have exactly 2 states. My thinking on this would be to do everything in the first state then use the second state as the grand finale. Like so:
But I'm not sure that the lambda transitions will result in q1
or if there is a better way to do this, which there likely is a better way since I'm trying to teach this to myself. Perhaps someone can get me back on track here?
You almost got it. You just missed the n>=1
requirement, since your current NPDA will also accept "acb". And you don't need (b,4)/5, since stack symbol 5 won't be used anyway.
So you need another stack symbol between 1 and 2 to denote whether we have seen "b" before "c".
q0-q0 q0-q1 (a,Z)/1Z (b,3)/λ (b,1)/2 (b,4)/λ (b,2)/2 (b,5)/λ (c,2)/3 (b,3)/4 (b,4)/5