Get a list of users on a Google Apps domain

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-08 08:35:02


We have an app in the Google Apps Marketplace (the new one, i.e. using OAuth2) which needs to get a list of users in the domain.

We're currently using the Provisioning API for this (which we know is deprecated, but there seems to be no better option). Lately however, we're starting to get "You are not authorized to access this API" 403's, for some domains.

  • Does anyone know why we're suddendly getting 403's, a bug perhaps? There seem to be some other bugs as well, for example the scope doesn't work, but does.

  • Does anyone know when it will be possible to start using the new Admin SDK Directory API to get a list of users? This isn't possible now because even when an administrator installs the app, it would only work if they go to their domain security settings and manually check "Enable API Access", see the related question here: How can I access user info on a domain without the domain administrator enabling API access?


You can start using Admin SDK Directory API. The question you linked to was regarding the case where an admin explicitly disables API access. When they install and an app, we re-enable that setting and let them know.

Not sure about the 403s but that is an older API that is replaced by the Admin SDK.

