Downloading files from Alfresco with MuleSoft CMIS connector

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-08 08:16:58


I have a little problem with the MuleSoft CMIS connector. I have an application that uploads and downloads files from Alfresco. I connect to Alfresco through AtomPub and use CMIS for all actions towards the Alfresco.

The problem is this: I used to get the object from the repository and it worked fine. In my flow I added one component that takes the object from the flow, which is of type DocumentImpl, get InputStream, cast it to an Object and return it. The browser starts the download of the file but it has no idea what the file is because it has no extension attached to it.

And finally the question: How do I attach the extension to the file being downloaded?

EDIT some code added

@Override public Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext) throws Exception {

    MuleMessage mes = eventContext.getMessage();
    System.out.println("Message is :" +mes);

    DocumentImpl doc = mes.getPayload(DocumentImpl.class);

    HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
    InputStream a = doc.getContentStream().getStream();
    String m = doc.getContentStreamMimeType();
    String n = doc.getContentStreamFileName();


    return a;


Ok i solved the problem. Basically the best way to do this is to change the flow to this:

    <set-payload value ="#[payload.getContentStream()]" />

    <set-variable value="#[payload.getMimeType()]" variableName="mime" doc:name="Variable" />
    <set-variable value="#[payload.getFileName()]" variableName="name" doc:name="Variable" />

    <!-- Set Content-Type to stored mimetype -->        
    <set-property value="#[flowVars['mime']]" propertyName="Content-Type" />
    <set-property propertyName="File-Name" value="#[flowVars['name']]"/>
    <set-property value="attachment; filename=#[flowVars['name']]" propertyName="Content-Disposition" />

this should be in the Mule Flow after

This takes mime type and file name from the payload and returns it!

