I have a lot of images in a picasa web album, and I want to obtain the URL for all of the images in that album.
The sharing settings of that album are Visibility= Restricted, all with the link.
How do I get these URLs? I understand that I can open each image, then on the right hand side obtain the URL to that image-- however there are a lot of images in that album, so is there any other way to obtain this info?
I want the URL to the image in its original size.
you will need to use the picasa api with your 'userID' and the 'albumID'...
read picasa api to find out how to get those values... then
have a look at my answer here
that answer was for slightly different xslt expression applied to the 'fields=' part of the gdata request.
you want all the entries for the feed of the album... then within each entry you want the equivalent json of:
"entry": ["media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url"
So, when u figure out the oauth playground explained in the other answer, after you authenticate to "Picasa" service, you can simply ask for this request string substituting for your (userID, albumID) :
and use the Json parser to display your results , an excerpt of the first couple of pictures that u see below:
{ "version":"1.0", "encoding":"UTF-8", "feed":{ "xmlns":"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "xmlns$gphoto":"http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007", "xmlns$media":"http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/", "entry":[ { "media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_FFMNGPU1TQ/TtukXyN4eCI/AAAAAAAACso/EzPmut2iKVQ/DSC01612.JPG", "height":512, "width":341, "type":"image/jpeg", "medium":"image" } ] } }, { "media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MhKoWh5MMxE/TtukZNnPvJI/AAAAAAAACkk/oz5fxA6qHx4/DSC01613.JPG", "height":512, "width":341, "type":"image/jpeg", "medium":"image" } ] } }, { "media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url":"https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Bg9L7Cggfak/TtukZ0BtRiI/AAAAAAAACk0/2HiJtkEFUss/DSC01614.JPG", "height":512, "width":341, "type":"image/jpeg", "medium":"image" } ] } }, { "media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-u-kqaskIfqc/TtukajDNYHI/AAAAAAAACk8/3jo9wS-zhbA/DSC01615.JPG", "height":512, "width":341, "type":"image/jpeg", "medium":"image" } ] } }, { "media$group":{ "media$content":[ { "url":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9OoGQKTh7CQ/Ttukh1ocOCI/AAAAAAAACgQ/fKy-0Ru7J4M/DSC01624.JPG", "height":512, "width":341, "type":"image/jpeg", "medium":"image" } ] } },
the pictures that u want are in the "url" attribute...
Using Firefox, a Greasemonkey script can be used that provides the actual link to some/all images in a Picasa album.
You need to navigate to the album's page in firefox, at the top the extension displays options- eg if you want urls for images of a specific size, or for some images only-- once these options are filled in you can easily obtain the link(s).
The greasemonkey script I used is at http://www.userscripts.org (Disclaimer- use such a script after ensuring that it is not malicious).
There are many such scripts (for obtaining links to images in a picasa album) at http://www.userscripts.org- just do a search and you will get a list of such scripts.