There is a problem in importing a packet in Clearcase replica. We researched a lot to resolve the issue, but as per IBM this is a bug in a particular version of clearcase.
So if there is any way to skip importing that particular packet,that would really help us in resolving the sync issue.
Issue : [http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM53060]
Our vob servers are already already on the version which as per above tech note has a fix for the issue, still the issue persists
Not that I know of.
The syncreplica documentation does mention it "skips" packets only when:
- > the update packet contains changes that depend on other changes that have not yet been imported to this replica.
- Problems were encountered processing an earlier physical packet in a multiple-part logical packet.
In these cases, syncreplica –import displays an explanatory message.
In other cases, since importing a packet can depends on previous packets being applied, I don't know if that process can allow "skipping" a packet.