Embed .swf in webpage and make it fullscreen

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-08 04:00:22


Is there a way to embed a .swf file in a webpage and provide a way to make it fullscreen? I'm creating these files with Adobe Captivate, which doesn't seem to provide a way to publish in other usable formats (.avi files are too big, and no .flv is available, to which there seem to have some players around that allow fullscreen).

If there's a way to convert .swf to some other "embedable" format, please let me know.


Why not make a link to the swf in question without a HTML file embedding it. This way the swl will fill the whole browser screen.


You can create full screen swfs easily with html and javascript (that's the only way).

See Creating Full Screen Flex Applications.

Basically, you just add a parameter to the embed or object tag: allowScriptAccess:true. And the only thing you need in your swf other than your video is to set stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;. Not sure if you can do that without writing any actionscript.


There is a fullscreen widget for Captivate here:
It inserts a button just as in YouTube, so that you can toggle to fullscreen.
In addition there is a virtual keyboard, because you cannot enter text into text input fields.

