youtube API - setShuffle don't work

可紊 提交于 2019-12-08 02:14:26

This appears to be a bug in the player. I've reported this bug to the team. In the future you can report bugs at

As a work around you could use the JS api to shuffle it yourself. When a video ends you can call playVideoAt and pass a random number.

The problem is that if you've loaded a playlist queue in the Youtube player, the next track will automatically start at the end of the current playing one.

So you should bind track ended event (which is = 0) and then make the youtube player make two things:

  1. stop playing
  2. play a new track with a random index by calling playVideoAt method.

A simple solution to avoid repeating the same track more times is to store the played idx in a list. Then, you should have a function, like shuffle that generates a random integer between 0 and the queue length:

function getRandomId() {
    var random_id = 0
    while(played_idx.indexOf(random_id) != -1) {
      random_id = Math.floor(Math.random * playlist.length)
    return random_id

Then, simply call playVideoAt(random_id).

I've noticed that setShuffle does work if you launch the command a little later. Something like this:

function onPlayerReady(event) {;
    setTimeout( function() {;;
    }, 2000);

If you launch it directly, it will definitely not work (I have noticed, to my frustration).
