I'm having a bit of trouble getting my head around solr 3.4 when it comes to multiple values. I have this DIH:
<dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" name="********" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/lokal" user="****" password="******" />
<entity name="Search" transformer="RegexTransformer" query="select b_id, b_navn, b_cats, b_info, b_keyword, b_critical, b_geo, b_adress from searchbiz">
<field column="b_id" name="b_id" />
<field column="b_info" name="b_info" />
<field column="b_cats" name="b_cats" splitBy=","/>
Now, my problem is when this b_cats is index'ed Im getting this result :
<arr name="b_adress">
<str>place1, place2</str>
But I thought it should be one node on each.
When I try to facet using this field, I'm getting "place1, place2" = xx result, instead of place1 = xx, and place2 xx.
Can anybody please point me in the right direction on this problem?
Thanks ;)
Here is the solution:
<dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" name="********" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/lokal" user="****" password="******" />
<entity name="Search" transformer="RegexTransformer" query="select b_id, b_navn, b_cats, b_info, b_keyword, b_critical, b_geo, b_adress from searchbiz">
<field column="b_id" name="b_id" />
<field column="b_info" name="b_info" />
<field column="b_cats" splitBy="," sourceColName="b_cats"/>