I'm trying to write my first parser with Flex & Bison. When parsing numbers, I'm trying to save their values into the yylval
structure. The problem is, yylval
is null when the lexer reaches a number, which causes a segmentation fault.
(Related point of confusion: why is it that in most Flex examples (e.g. here), yylval
is a structure, rather than a pointer to a structure? I couldn't get yylval
to be recognized in test.l without %option bison-bridge
, and that option made yylval
a pointer. Also, I tried initializing yylval
in main
of test.y, but yylval = malloc(...)
gives a type mismatch-- as if yylval
is not a pointer...?)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "svg.tab.h"
%option bison-bridge
%option noyywrap
[0-9]+ { yylval->real = atof(yytext); return REAL; }
. { return *yytext; }
#include <stdio.h>
void yyerror(char *);
%union {
double real;
%token <real> REAL
Build command:
bison -d test.y && flex test.l && gcc lex.yy.c test.tab.c
Normally, yylval
is a global struct and not a pointer, and if you remove the %option bison-bridge
from your test.l file, that's what you get (you'll need to change yylval->real
to yylval.real
as well to make it work).
The %option bison-bridge
in flex is meant to match up to %define api.pure
in bison, which uses a different API for communicating between yyparse and yylex (yylval becomes a pointer argument to yylex instead of a global var).
So your basic problem is an incompatible API between flex and bison -- you need to specify the pure api/bison-bridge in BOTH or NEITHER -- if you do it in one and not the other, things break.