How do I avoid a circular reference while serializing Entity Framework class

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-07 13:28:25

I had a similar problem when worked on one of my previous project. Here is what I ended up doing:

IList<Product> list = Repository.GetProducts();
  var collection = products.Select(product => new
            id = product.Id,
            name = product.Name,
            detailUrl = product.DetailUrl,
            imageLargeUrl = product.ThumbNailUrl,
            tagtitle = product.Name.ToUpper(),
            tagheader = "Words our cherished patrons use to describe this product",
            tagwords = from tag in product.Tags group tag by tag.Name into words select new { name =          words.Key, weight = words.Count() }

 var result = new {id = inquiry.Id, products = collection, };
 return this.Jsonp(result);

Here is how the result Json would look like:

"id" : 2,
"products" : [{
    "id" : "3605970008857",
    "name" : "TITLE1",
    "detailUrl" : "",
    "tagwords" : [{
        "name" : "roses",
        "weight" : 1
        "name" : "cotton",
        "weight" : 1
        "name" : "happy",
        "weight" : 1
    "id" : "3605970019891",
    "name" : "TITLE2",
    "detailUrl" : "",
    "tagwords" : []


You can also add any other properties from you referenced objects to the result as you wish,to be shown in your Json object :)

I made a very trivial solution which is not recommended if you have very big list

letters=UserOperations.GetDepartmentLettersForSecretary(pageNumber, pageSize,(Session["User"] as User).DepartmentID.Value, (Session["User"] as User).ID);

foreach (Letter letter in letters)
    letter.LetterStatus.Letters = null;

the problem of circular reference in my case is in LetterStatus.Letters so I Iterated through the list and assigned it to null

as I told you its not recommended if you have very big list
