How to set maximum expanded height in android support design bottom sheet?
The question is an extension to the above question, i want to set the max expanded height of the sheet but dynamically according to the screen size.
I have tried setting new layout params to the view implementing bottomsheet behaviour but it does nothing good.
Finally found it,
This question troubled me a lot with no solution reported anywhere, and the answer lies in the behavior itself.
The minimum offset is the max value upto which the bottomsheet should move and we set the lower cap of the value to our desired height upto which we want the bottomsheet to move. You can expose a function to set the value or do it direclty in our behavior.
To dynamically set the max expanded height for bottomsheet we need to increase the minimum offset value from 0 to our desired value in BottomSheetBehavior class, let me show the code.
Happy coding!!
// The minimum offset value upto which your bottomsheet to move
private int mMinOffset;
* Called when the parent CoordinatorLayout is about the layout the given child view.
public boolean onLayoutChild(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, int layoutDirection) {
int dynamicHeight = Utils.dpToPx(parent.getContext(), **your_value_in_dp**);
mMinOffset = Math.max(dynamicHeight, mParentHeight - child.getHeight());
mMaxOffset = Math.max(mParentHeight - mPeekHeight, mMinOffset);
mAnchorOffset = Math.min(mParentHeight - mAnchorHeight, mMaxOffset);
if (mState == STATE_EXPANDED) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mMinOffset);
The simplest solution is to set the maxHeight property of the bottom sheet like this.
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
bottomSheet.setMaxHeight((int) (displayMetrics.heightPixels * 0.65));