I have a sparesArray which I use to store & batch SensorEvents by holding onto each sensor typeId and SensorEvent object until a timer fires.
SparseArray<SensorEvent> sensorEventMap = new SparseArray<SensorEvent>();
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
synchronized (this) {
sensorEventMap.put(event.sensor.getType(), event);
I am having issues where the SensorEvent is getting overwritten in the array before my timer fires, so I'd like to make a copy of the SensorEvent and store the copy in the array instead.
How can I make a copy of SensorEvent ?
I need the whole SensorEvent, not just the data values.
Not possible as it is a system class you wont be able to make it implement the cloneable interface. Better to just create your own clone class and copy it yourself.