MySQL connection over SSH tunnel - how to specify other MySQL server?

孤人 提交于 2019-11-26 23:40:48

Solved it! The thing was to connect to the correct server when creating the tunnel itself - should've seen that one coming.

ssh -f -L -N

Then mysql -h -P 3307 worked as intended. :)

sandra kevin

I got a nice blog about how to connect to MySQL using SSH tunnel. It is very well explained here.

The command to connect to SSH tunnel:


The command to connect to MySQL:

localhost:[listening port]

When you don't have direct access to mysql-server, you use jump-server.

From your machine, you connect(ssh) to jump-server and from there you connect to your mysql-server.

This can be avoided by using ssh- tunneling.

Suppose your

       jump server is `jump-ip`
       mysql server is `mysql-ip`
       your machine is `machine-ip`

Just open ssh client(Putty in windows or terminal in linux/ios).


    ssh -L [local-port]:[mysql-ip]:[mysql-port] [jump-server-user]@[jump-ip]

After this, you can use your localhost and local-port to access mysql-server on the remote machine directly.

Eg. Your Jdbc url to access mysql database, in that case, will be


I created a tunnelto the DB using this command

ssh  -L 10000:localhost:3306  user@<ip addess to connect DB> -N -f

-L is local host port it is user defined u can provide any port number

between 0 to 65535. 0 to 1023 are reserved.

whether you are using key based authentication to the server you should

mention the key like this.

ssh -i <path of the private key>  -L 10000:localhost:3306  user@<ip addess to connect DB> -N -f