In Google Chrome Browser i was able to get live feed of my connected USB Camera using getUserMedia() API. I have a slider to change the brightness value and this is working fine. I also want focusMode to toggle from continuous to manual(The camera always starts with continuous focusMode).
I have the below Javascript code to change FocusMode.
const video_constraints ={};
//Create the following keys for Constraint
video_constraints.video = {};
video_constraints.video.width = {};
video_constraints.video.width.exact = 1920; //set video width
video_constraints.video.height = {};
video_constraints.video.height.exact = 1080; //set video height
video_constraints.video.frameRate = {};
video_constraints.video.frameRate.exact = 60; //set video frame rate
//Start stream
function handleStreamSuccessCb()
console.log("Got Stream");
window.stream = stream;
videoElement.srcObject = stream;
function getVideoCaps(stream)
var videoTrackArray = stream.getVideoTracks();
var videoTrack = null;
for (i=0; i<videoTrackArray.length; i++)
if (videoTrackArray[i].kind == "video")
console.log("Video track found");
videoTrack = videoTrackArray[i];
if (videoTrack != null)
setTimeout(() => {
const capabilities = videoTrack.getCapabilities()
if (capabilities.brightness)
//configure slider settings
brightnessSliderUI.min = capabilities.brightness.min;
brightnessSliderUI.max = capabilities.brightness.max;
brightnessSliderUI.step = capabilities.brightness.step;
brightnessSliderUI.value = videoTrack.getSettings().brightness;
//set inital value
brightnessSliderValueUI.value = brightnessSliderUI.value;
//slider change listener
brightnessSliderUI.oninput = function() {
brightnessSliderValueUI.value = brightnessSliderUI.value;
videoTrack.applyConstraints({advanced : [{brightness: brightnessSliderUI.value}] });
console.log("brightnessNot supported");
//Focus Mode
if (capabilities.focusMode)
console.log(videoTrack.getSettings());// By default continuous value is set for focusMode
focusButtonUI.onclick = function(){
console.log("focusButton Clicked");
videoTrack.applyConstraints({advanced : [{focusMode: "manual"}]});
// I am not able to set focusMode to manual with the above statement
}, 500);
showErrorDialog("No Video track found in the stream");
With the below line i am trying to toggle the focusMode:
videoTrack.applyConstraints({advanced : [{focusMode: "manual"}]});
But this focus was still in continuous mode.
Can somebody tell what's wrong with the above code ? Is it possible to toggle focusMode when Preview is live ?