I tried
pip3 install basemap
but Basemap seems not to be on PyPI.
There is an old question but it has no answer.
What I did
- I downloaded basemap 1.07 (source)
- Matplotlib 2, numpy 1.11, PIL,
is installed
I'm not sure where / how to get GEOS (libgeos-dev
?). I think I followed the README and it didn't show any errors, but when trying the first line of this
$ python3
>>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
I get
ImportError: libgeos-3.3.3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It is in
$ locate libgeos-3.3.3.so
In Ubuntu, this works for me:
$ sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
$ pip install --user https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/archive/master.zip
For completeness, if you know you need a specific version, you can find the download links by hovering over the package/version number that you need here. For instance, if I need to install v1.1.0, I can use the above, replacing the second line with:
$ pip install --user https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/archive/v1.1.0.zip
Try this:
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
sudo pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap.git # latest Version from Source
Older Version might not be compatible with the matplotlib.