Get the caller of the event from attachEvent

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-07 01:42:29

There are a couple of things that you need to correct. First, the attachEvent method should not be used for browsers other than IE. You should structure your code to check if the method is implemented and then act accordingly like so:

if(img.addEventListener) {
    img.addEventListener('load', setBasicElement, false);
else if(img.attachEvent) {
    img.attachEvent('onload', setBasicElement);
else {
    img.onload = setBasicElement;

The other issue is that you need to prefix the event name with "on" when using attachEvent.


You can get the caller by using the following code in the setBasicElement function:

var caller = || e.srcElement || || window.event.srcElement;

Here is a working example -

Try this:

var caller = window.event ? window.event.srcElement :;

If I remember rightly IE doesn't pass the event object as a parameter when you've used attachEvent(), but it has a global event object.
