I'm looking something like the functionality given in Sublime Text by the shortcut (windows) Ctrl + Shift + P named "HTML: Encode Special Characters" but in IntelliJ IDEA. This functionality is able to transform this (as a example):
I'm a special character phrase "áéíóú ñ"
Into this:
I'm a special character phrase "áéíóú ñ"
Only by surrounding the specified text and pressing the shortcut key combination given above (again, in windows Ctrl + Shift + P).
Any thoughts?
UPDATE (07-04-2016)
By now, Intellij Idea support this feature natively (version 2016). You need to select the text you want to transform and (in OSX) Cmd+Shift+A and type "Encode" then select the action "Encode XML/HTML Special Characters"
The only caveats are that this only works (to my knowledge) in html strings.
It is not supported by IntelliJ directly, but a plugin called String Manipulation can help
From the plugin page:
Provide actions for text manipulation:
- Un/Escape selected Java text
- Un/Escape selected JavaScript text
- Un/Escape selected HTML text
- Un/Escape selected XML text
- Un/Escape selected SQL text
- Un/Escape selected PHP text
- Trim selected text
- Trim all spaces in selected text
- Remove all spaces in selected text
- De/Encode selected text as URL
- Convert selected text to Camel Case
- Convert selected text to Constant Case
- Capitalize selected text
- Encode selected text to MD5 Hex16
- De/Encode selected text to Base64
- Remove empty lines
- Convert non ASCII to escaped Unicode
- Convert escaped Unicode to String
- Grep selected text, All lines not matching input text wil be removed. (Does not work in column mode)
- Increment/Decrement selected text. Duplicate line and increment/decrement all numbers found.