How to get local repository location (URI) from within Maven 3.x plugin?
Use Aether as described in this blog post.
* The current repository/network configuration of Maven.
* @parameter default-value="${repositorySystemSession}"
* @readonly
private RepositorySystemSession repoSession;
now get the local Repo through RepositorySystemSession.getLocalRepository():
LocalRepository localRepo = repoSession.getLocalRepository();
LocalRepository has a getBasedir() method, which is probably what you want.
This one worked for me in Maven v3.6.0:
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${localRepository}", readonly = true, required = true)
private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
@Sean Patrick Floyd provided a solid answer.
This solution doesn't require the injection of the Properties into your instance fields.
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
MavenProject project=(MavenProject)getPluginContext().get("project");
Set<Artifact> arts=project.getDependencyArtifacts();
Set<String> localRepoSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Artifact art : arts) {
if (art.getScope().equals(Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE)) {
Path path = Paths.get(art.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
String removal = art.getGroupId().replace(".", "/") + "/" + art.getArtifactId() + "/"
+ art.getVersion();
String localRepo = path.getParent().toAbsolutePath().toString().replace(removal, "");
You can get the possible locations of all of your direct dependencies.
Tested in Maven 3.X.X
You can simply get local repository location from settings:
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${settings}", readonly = true )
private Settings settings;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
final File localRepository = new File(settings.getLocalRepository());
It works in maven-3x.