I have an application that requires the elapsed minutes between two times. Eg: 9:00 to 10:00 is sixty minutes. This is the solution that I worked out, but it seems excessively verbose. Can I do better?
EDIT: I receive strings in the format of YYYYMMDD and HHMM or HMM from a remote system.
// define a start time and end time as string
var start_time ="830";
var end_time ="1930";
// make sure we have complete 4 digit time
start_time = ('0' + start_time).slice(-4);
end_time = ('0' + end_time).slice(-4);
// extract start minutes and seconds
start_hour = start_time.substring(0,2);
start_minute = start_time.substring(2,4);
// extract end minutes and seconds
end_hour = end_time.substring(0,2);
end_minute = end_time.substring(2,4);
//get current date - it seems that we need a date a valid date to create a Date object
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getUTCFullYear();
var month = now.getUTCMonth();
var day = now.getDate();
// create Date object
var start_date_time_object = new Date(year,month,day,start_hour,start_minute);
var end_date_time_object = new Date(year,month,day,end_hour,end_minute);
// get number of minutes between start and end times
var start_minutes = (start_date_time_object.getHours() * 60) + start_date_time_object.getMinutes();
var end_minutes = (end_date_time_object.getHours() * 60) + end_date_time_object.getMinutes();
// calculate net time elapsed
var duration = end_minutes - start_minutes;
// display
var start_time ="830";
var end_time ="1930";
var start_hour = start_time.slice(0, -2);
var start_minutes = start_time.slice(-2);
var end_hour = end_time.slice(0, -2);
var end_minutes = end_time.slice(-2);
var startDate = new Date(0,0,0,start_hour, start_minutes);
var endDate = new Date(0,0,0,end_hour, end_minutes);
var millis = endDate - startDate;
var minutes = millis/1000/60;
Just remove what you don't want to see from the return. Now you can simply pass date objects in, you don't have to bother with conversions.
var cc = new Date("9/13/2012 12:00 AM");
var c = new Date();
function timeDifference(d, dd) {
var minute = 60 * 1000,
hour = minute * 60,
day = hour * 24,
month = day * 30,
ms = Math.abs(d - dd);
var months = parseInt(ms / month, 10);
ms -= months * month;
var days = parseInt(ms / day, 10);
ms -= days * day;
var hours = parseInt(ms / hour, 10);
ms -= hours * hour;
var minutes = parseInt(ms / minute, 10);
return [
months + " months",
days + " days",
hours + " hours",
minutes + " minutes"
].join(", ");
document.body.innerHTML += timeDifference(cc, c) + "<br />";