How might I implement conditional grouping in a Select element using angular?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-06 16:49:56
Piotr Sobczyk

Just generate your ng-options expression in JavaScript (controller). Depending of some conditional logic assign different expression.

For example:

<select ng-model="tcCtrl.SelectedItem" 
        ng-options="{{ selectOptions }}"></select>

And your controller might look like:

  $scope.selectOptions = "item.Id + ' - ' + item.Description 
                group by item.GroupDescription 
                for workType in ctrl.Context.ItemList";
} else {
  $scope.selectOptions = "item.Id + ' - ' + item.Description for workType in ctrl.Context.ItemList";

Also, shouldn't expression be "... for item in ctrl.Context.ItemList" instead of workType in your case?

See also this answer .
