Velocity (VM) template request parameters: Getting GET variables

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-06 16:14:27

Another option would be to use $httpUtil, a Liferay utility class that's injected in Velocity templates. This way you could do the following:

#set($url = $request.attributes.CURRENT_URL)
#set($singleValue = $httpUtil.getParameter($url, "foo", false))
#set($multipleValues = $httpUtil.getParameterMap($httpUtil.getQueryString($url)).foo)

I couldn't find the supposed solution in the terrible documentation, so i came up with this:

#set($curl = $request.get("attributes").get("CURRENT_URL"))
#set($foo = $curl.split("foo="))
#if($foo.size() > 1)
  #set($foo1 = $foo.get(1).split("&").get(0))
  foo1: $foo1
#if($foo.size() > 2)
  #set($foo2 = $foo.get(2).split("&").get(0))
  foo2: $foo2
Green Lei