I have a few questions regarding a PHP Pagination Script For Flat File Database I found. I have posted the script below.
echo '<html><body>';
// Data, normally from a flat file or some other source
$data = "Item1|Item2|Item3|Item4|Item5|Item6|Item7|Item8|Item9|Item10";
// Put our data into an array
$dataArray = explode('|', $data);
// Get the current page
$currentPage = trim($_REQUEST[page]);
// Pagination settings
$perPage = 3;
$numPages = ceil(count($dataArray) / $perPage);
if(!$currentPage || $currentPage > $numPages)
$currentPage = 0;
$start = $currentPage * $perPage;
$end = ($currentPage * $perPage) + $perPage;
// Extract ones we need
foreach($dataArray AS $key => $val)
if($key >= $start && $key < $end)
$pagedData[] = $dataArray[$key];
foreach($pagedData AS $item)
echo '<a href="/'. $item .'/index.php">'. $item .'</a><br>';
if($currentPage > 0 && $currentPage < $numPages)
echo '<a href="?page=' . ($currentPage - 1) . '">« Previous page</a><br>';
if($numPages > $currentPage && ($currentPage + 1) < $numPages)
echo '<a href="?page=' . ($currentPage + 1) . '" class="right">Next page »</a><br>';
echo '</body></html>';
My first problem seems to be in line 9. I could change the line to:
$currentPage = trim(@$_REQUEST[page]);
But this change won't fix the error, it will just hide it. What needs to be done to line 9 to rid my page of the error?
Secondly, I would like to fetch the data on line 5 in a different way. I would like to get the data from a text file, let's call it "items.txt", that has entries like below, one per line.
Please recommend alternate code to fetch the desired data.
Lastly, I would like to include links to the "First page" and "Last page" as well as "Previous page" and "Next page", as is the current code.
I apologize for my sloppy posting, but would be real appreciative of anybody who could help me understand the changes needed to produce my desired results. Thanks.....
Problem With Line 9
has two separate problems.
1) page
is being read as the name of a constant because it is not quoted. PHP then notices there is no constant called page
, so it takes a guess that you meant the string page
-- which it would be if page
was quoted -- and triggers an error to notify you. Therefore, use $_REQUEST['page']
2) 'page'
is not necessarily a key of $_REQUEST
because the data is not guaranteed to be given. Therefore, you cannot refer to $_REQUEST['page']
before you ensure that it exists. This may be done by isset($_REQUEST['page'])
Your final code should look something like this, then.
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
$currentPage = $_REQUEST['page'];
} else {
$currentPage = 'some default value';
Problem With Data Source
The file()
function reads the lines of a file into an array -- for example, the fourth value of the array is also the fourth line in the file. Therefore, you can set $dataArray
simply as $dataArray = file('text.dat');