Asp.Net MVC Beta: Previous RouteData overrides current RouteData?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-06 14:52:23

It's hard for me to tell what you expect to happen and what is happening from your post. Is it possible there's an error in your BoothRepository.Find method such that it returns the same thing every time?

ModelBinder should not be affecting this method because the parameter to the action method is a simple type, int.

Were both of these requests GET requests? If you still are having problems, can you try and create the simplest repro possible and email it to philha - microsoft dot com?

EDIT: The problem ended up being that the developer was attempting to re-use the valueprovider across requests (by having Castle Windsor manage the lifecycle of Controllers). Right now, there's no support for re-using controller instances across requests like you would with IHttpHandler which has a IsReusable property. So in general, reusing controllers across requests requires doing a lot more work on your end. :)

The problem is the LifeStyle, I completetly overlooked the fact it was being defined, which means by default the controllers will use the Singleton lifestyle. Setting the LifeStyle to Transient for all controllers will sort this problem.

if you use modify Controller's singleton to "false"

This is a common issue when using Singleton behavior with a IoC container such as Spring.NET or Windsor. Controllers should not have singleton behavior because the ControllerContext is per request, much like HttpContext.
