I want to add Facebook share button to my site. I created app on Facebook. Ran local server. Added to host-file dev.mysite.com and added domain mysite.com and website http:/ /mysite.com(without space) to app settings in Facebook. Trying:
function shareOnFacebook(){
method: 'share',
display: 'popup',
title: 'myTitle',
href: 'mysite.com',
caption: 'mysite.com',
picture: 'http://www.picturesource.com/path/picture.jpg',
description: 'myDescription'
}, function(response) {
if(response && response.post_id){}
but in dialog window infromation is filled without params, that i sent with function FB.UI. Did i miss something necessary for having permission to put information to the dialog window?
Since the API v2.9, this is no longer possible to customise the content of the feed dialog : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/feed-dialog#deprecated-params
The only part you can customise is the "quote" content, which look like that :
Your code doesn't work because even if you force the API v2.5 or v2.8 with the "FB.init" call, each new Facebook APP is using the v2.9 :
If you don't have any old Facebook APP in your own repository (< v2.9), you can't use the good old feed dialog.
You have to use the Feed Dialog for that, not the Share Dialog. The Share Dialog basically only accepts the URL to share and gets the OG Data from that URL.