Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0: “Error: NXT Bluetooth passkey confirmation failed”

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-06 13:20:23

Folks - at the risk of repeating something obvious, try running the program as the administrator.

I have the same issue.

Found this thread on the Lego forums: which suggests that it is some kind of Windows permissions issue for a program that really is written for Windows XP

Note that I did NOT manage to solve it on my machine by running the Mindstorms program in Windows XP SP2-compatible mode. I get the -142005 error still after that. On Windows Vista 32-bit, Vista Business. On an IBM Thinkpad.

I use the BricxCC IDE on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on my HP laptop.

First, I installed the correct drivers from the disk that came with the kit.

Then, I used the builtin windows bluetooth manager to connect to my Mindstorm NXT 2.0. I was asked to provide a passcode that I manually configured on the NXT and then typed into the bluetooth connection on my laptop.

The final step was to choose the correct port (BTH::NXT) and brick type in the bricxcc interface.

From then on, everything worked fine.

Hope this helps

Although the official website admits that they continue to have issues, I managed to establish a workaround via a serial connection over the existing Broadcom/Microsoft Bluetooth driver on my HP ENVY laptop - Windows 7 configuration. Here's what I did:

  1. Upgrade to the latest firmware (1.31?)
  2. Download Fhantom driver

When NXT connected to the laptop, I saw the driver getting installed, indicating a serial connection over Bluetooth (COM3), please refer to the image here.

I hope it helps!
