I'm trying to convert below java code into nodejs.
public static String encrypt(String accessToken) throws Exception {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
String merchantKey = "11111111111111111111";
String st = StringUtils.substring(merchantKey, 0, 16);
Key secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(st.getBytes(), "AES");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
byte[] encryptedByte = cipher.doFinal(accessToken.getBytes());
// convert the byte to hex format
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedByte.length; i++) {
sb.append(Integer.toString((encryptedByte[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
return sb.toString();
Here is what I was able to figure out-
function freeChargeEncryptAES(token){
var fcKey = "11111111111111111111".substring(0, 16);
var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb', fcKey, "");
var encrypted = cipher.update(token,'ascii','hex');
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
return encrypted;
I'm not able to get same output. For example if
token = "abcdefgh"
Java Code output - bc02de7c1270a352a98faa686f155df3
Nodejs Code output - eae7ec6943953aca94594641523c3c6d
I've read from this answer that by default encryption algorithm is aes-ecb which does not need IV. As the key length is 16, I'm assuming aes-128-ecb
(16*8 = 128) is the algorithm that I should use.
Can someone help me figure out the problem ??
Just need to change -
crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb', fcKey, "");
crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', fcKey, "");
Reason is simple - createCipher
method treats second parameter as Encryption Password
while it is an Encryption Key
My bad, even after reading this answer, I've used wrong method (crypto.createCipher instead of crypto.createCipheriv). Below is proper working code in nodejs. That was all needed.
function freeChargeEncryptAES(token){
var fcKey = "11111111111111111111".substring(0, 16);
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', fcKey, "");
var encrypted = cipher.update(token,'ascii','hex');
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
return encrypted;