Qt QUdpSocket: readyRead() signal and corresponding slot not working as supposed

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-06 12:57:19

You can read and write using just one UDP socket in Qt. I have this running in Qt5 on both windows and Linux, so no worries there :)

To establish Rx direct comms in QUdpSocket you should really use the bind() function, something like this:

// Rx connection: check we are not already bound
if (udpSocket->state() != udpSocket->BoundState)
    // Rx not in bound state, attempt to bind
    udpSocket->bind(address, port);

Once this has completed you will be able to check that udpSocket->state() == udpSocket->BoundState is true, then you are successfully "bound" to this ip/port. Now your listening can begin if your connection to readready() is correct. I have not used this connection syntax that you are using, so I can't say much about that, but here is the example of how I connect:

connect(udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(rxDataEvent()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

Where "this" is the class which contains my QUdpSocket and udpSocket is a QUdpSocket pointer. Then rxDataEvent is defined below:

void CIpComms::rxDataEvent(void)
    QByteArray rxData;
    QHostAddress sender;
    quint16 senderPort;

    while (udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams())
        // Resize and zero byte buffer so we can make way for the new data.
        rxData.fill(0, udpSocket->pendingDatagramSize());

        // Read data from the UDP buffer.

        // Emit ipDataReceived Signal
        emit ipDataReceived(rxData);

Here we continually check for datagrams until there are none pending (bit easier then doing the whole "bytesAvailable thing") and stick the data into a QByteArray and emit it off elsewhere (which you obviously don't have to do!).

That is all you need to do for connection. Then to send is very easy, you simply have to call writeDatagram(), well there are other options but this is by far the easier to use:

if (-1 == udpSocket->writeDatagram(txData, address, port))
    // Data write failed, print out warning
    qWarning() << "Unable to write data to " << address.toString() << ":" << port << endl;
    return false;

I have pretty much cut and pasted this from my working code (with a few edits to keep it short-n-simple so it should give you a starting point. In summary where I believe you are going wrong is that you have not "bound" to the IP address/port and are therefore NOT listening to it and will not receive any readReady() events.
