Including DB function calls in python MySQLdb executemany()

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-06 12:45:20

The method below is far from ideal, but, unfortunately, it is the only way I know.

The idea is to manually construct the SQL, using connection.literal to escape the arguments for you:

sql=('INSERT INTO `foo` (`fooid`,`data`,`time_added`) VALUES '
          for arg in args]))

This looks horrible, and may make your skin crawl, but if you look under the hood (in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/MySQLdb/ at what MySQLdb is doing in cursors.executemany, I think this is along the same lines as what that function is doing, minus the mixup due the regex cursors.insert_values not correctly parsing the nested parentheses. (eek!)

I've just installed oursql, an alternative to MySQLdb, and am happy to report that

sql='INSERT INTO `foo` (`fooid`,`data`,`time_added`) VALUES (?,?,NOW())'

works as expected with oursql.
