how to scroll live cards in aglass activity

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-06 12:11:19

From Google's sample code at and API documentation at and, it seems your 1) is possible, because:

1) The CardScrollAdapter's method public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) returns a View (not a Card);

2) CardScrollView's get methods also return a View or Object, not Card specifically;

3) You can replace private List<Card> mCards; in the sample code (link #1 above) with private List<MyView> mViews;

But the documentation at those links also use Card as example, and the word cards seem to refer to static cards. So will have to test to find out for sure. However, there's a statement in link #1 that says "You can build a standard view hierarchy yourself or use the Card class.", suggesting it's possible to use a custom view.

I'll get back with you within 12 hours after I test with my Glass tonight.

As for your question 2, the answer is yes - you publish the scrollable content inside your app and not in the timeline. You can launch the activity (as in the sample code in Google's link #1) from a menu item selection, and the menu is attached to your livecard. Then inside that scrolling view, you can only swipe left and right to see other cards (or maybe custom views) in the scrolling view, but not the timeline. You have to swipe down to exit the activity (immersion) to go back to livecard, then you can swipe left and right and see the timeline. Note the scrolling view is not like static cards and will never show in the timeline. Also note that inside the scrolling view, you may use GestureDetector to capture other gestures (besides swipe left and right and down).

Just confirmed: custom views can be added to CardScrollView! I used a view that extends FrameLayout and inflates a layout xml file, and added three such views to CardScrollView. It works nicely!

Also tried to add a custom view that does the Canvas drawing, but haven't been able to see it shown in the scrolling view. Will try more later.

Just tested and found you can add any views to the CardScrollView - I'm able to add 4 custom views to a scrollview: one static Card, one view with Canvas drawing, one with OpenGL ES 1.0 drawing, and the final one with OpenGL ES 2.0 drawing. This is good to know to me! Thanks for your question.
