xcodebuild pass arguments to application on iOS

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-06 11:06:13

I ended up with this solution:

xcodebuild -workspace "..." -scheme "..." -sdk "..." -destination "..." -configuration Release SECRET_ARG1="$SECRET_VALUE1" SECRET_ARG2="$SECRET_VALUE2" build test;

Then in test target build settings add these values:

Finally, you can access your values using macro:

#define STRINGIZE(x) #x


Now, this will resove as NSString constant:


When building with Travis CI you can pass your secret values to environment using project settings, or encrypt and place them inside your travis.yml file (second way is more flexible and allows you to use different secret values inside one travis.yml file, but it's not so fast and convenient)
