External “Hello World” Function in SQL Anywhere with Powerbuilder-generated DLL

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-06 10:57:04

How .NET Deployment Works

When you deploy a .NET project, PowerBuilder compiles existing or newly developed PowerScript® code into .NET assemblies.

At runtime, the generated .NET assemblies execute using the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). PowerBuilder’s .NET compiler technology is as transparent as the P-code compiler in standard PowerBuilder client-server applications.

Deploying PowerBuilder runtime files

The simplest way to deploy PowerBuilder runtime DLLs and .NET assemblies to production servers or target computers is to use the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager tool. The Runtime Packager creates an MSI file that installs the files you select, registers any self-registering DLLs, and installs the .NET assemblies into the global assembly cache (GAC).

See full document PB.NET runtimes HERE on Sybase Infocenter

Checklist for Deployment

Verify that production servers and target computers meet all requirements for running the .NET targets that you deploy from PowerBuilder Classic.

Checklist for all .NET targets

For deployment of all .NET target types (Windows Forms, Web Forms, .NET Assembly, .NET Web Service), production servers or target computers must have:

  • The Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, or Windows 7 operating system .NET Framework 4.0
  • The Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll, and the Microsoft .NET Active Template Library (ATL) module, atl71.dll
  • PowerBuilder .NET assemblies in the global assembly cache (GAC)
  • PowerBuilder runtime dynamic link libraries in the system path
  • See Deploying PowerBuilder runtime files.

See full set of deployment checklist documents HERE on Sybase Infocenter
