Using location.hash to activate jquery toggle/slideToggle

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 10:38:32

location.hash contains everything in the URL including and after the hash (#) mark. So, if went to index.php#feature1 and wanted the div with id "feature1" to show on load, you could do

$(document).ready(function() {
    if(location.hash) {
        var id = location.hash.slice(1);    //Get rid of the # mark
        var elementToShow = $("#" + id);    //Save local reference
        if(elementToShow.length) {                   //Check if the element exists
            elementToShow.slideToggle('fast');       //Show the element
            elementToShow.addClass("check_list_selected");    //Add class to element (the link)