I'm using Jacob to call a VB function that resides in a Macro in an Excel file.
Here is my code : [I pass the file and the vb function name as paramaters to the below java method]
private static void callExcelMacro(File file, String macroName) {
final ActiveXComponent excel = new ActiveXComponent("Excel.Application");
try {
// This will open the excel if the property is set to true
excel.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
final Dispatch workbooks = excel.getProperty("Workbooks").getDispatch();
//String eventSink = null ;
int id = Dispatch.get(workbooks, "Count").getInt();
System.out.println("le nbre" + id);
Dispatch.call(workbooks, "Add");
Dispatch workBook = Dispatch.call(workbooks, "Open", file.getAbsolutePath()).toDispatch();
//new DispatchEvents(sourceOfEvent, eventSink, progId)
//new DispatchEvents(workBook, w , "Excel.Application");
//System.out.println("le résultat"+eventSink);
Variant V1 = new Variant( file.getName() + macroName);
// Calls the macro
final Variant result = Dispatch.call(excel, "Run", V1);
// Saves and closes
//Dispatch.call(workBook, "Save");
com.jacob.com.Variant f = new com.jacob.com.Variant(true);
// Dispatch.call(workBook, "Close", f);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
excel.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);
The code runs fine, but my problem is that I don't want to call the instrcution
Dispatch workBook = Dispatch.call(workbooks, "Open", file.getAbsolutePath()).toDispatch();
which displays me what the default macro executes (an Interface with input fields).
Is there a way to "Run" the VB function without "Opening" the Excel file ?
there is no way to execute a VBA function in an Excel workbook without opening the file...
Of course, you can prevent the AUto_open macro running by disabling events on the Excel Application object.
In Excel VBA we do this like so:
(frequently in conjunction with other settings like ScreenUpdating and DisplayAlerts)
in Java maybe you use:
excel.setProperty("EnableEvents", new Variant(false));
I hope that pointers you in the right direction (lol, boom boom !)