Prolog powerset predicate [closed]

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-06 09:29:48
Alexander Serebrenik

Since you use SICStus Prolog you can use the subseq0(+Sequence, ?SubSequence) from library(lists), which "is true when SubSequence is a subsequence of Sequence, but may be Sequence itself" (Quoting from the manual

      ?- setof(X, subseq0([a,b,c],X), Xs).
      Xs = [[],[a],[a,b],[a,b,c],[a,c],[b],[b,c],[c]]

If you are not allowed to use library predicates you can implement the subseteq0 as explained in gnu Prolog powerset modification, which I quote here for the sake of completeness (with thanks to gusbro)

powerset([], []).
powerset([H|T], P) :- powerset(T,P).
powerset([H|T], [H|P]) :- powerset(T,P).