The OCMockito documentation claims it's possible to mock class objects, but I'm damned if I can work out how. The following test fails with Expected "Purple" but was ""
- (void)testClassMethodMocking
Class stringClassMock = mockClass([NSString class]);
[given([stringClassMock string]) willReturn:@"Purple"];
assertThat([NSString string], equalTo(@"Purple"));
If the answer to the abovelinked FAQ section "How do you mock a class object?" does not imply it's possible stub the return value of a class method, what is it used for?
Of course the above is a degenerate example, the real [NSString string] call is inside the method under test:
- (NSString *)methodThatCallsAClassMethod
return [NSString string];
... making the assert above look like:
assertThat([testedObject methodThatCallsAClassMethod], equalTo(@"Purple"));
So the above just flat-out won't work? How do I achieve what I want to do here, then?
Your assertion statement is using NSString directly. Use the mock instead:
assertThat([stringClassMock string], equalTo(@"Purple"));
In other words, the mock isn't swizzling the actual NSString. Rather, it's a stand-in for it.
In your edited example, your "methodThatCallsAClassMethod" has a dependency on NSString. If you wanted to replace that, you either need to inject the class, or Subclass and Override Method.
return [self.stringClass string];
Then you can set the stringClass
property to a mock.
Subclass and Override Method:
@interface TestingFoo : Foo
@implementation @TestingFoo
- (NSString *)methodThatCallsAClassMethod
// return whatever you want