Cannot access nodejs app on browser at localhost:4200 (docker run -p 4200:4200 …)

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-06 08:43:22


Has the solution.


First of all . Why you have done this .

#EXPOSE 4200

in Dockerfile. # in front means comment in dockerfile . Use this

 EXPOSE 4200

#EXPOSE 4200 means you have not expose the port .

And next check that container running your node server inside the Docker or not. How can you check is this. docker exec -it nept0 bash or can try

docker exec -it nept0 /bin/bash

Then you can run

curl localhost:4200 or the get api of the node.js if that working fine your node is working fine #EXPOSE 4200 was culprit .

You can read for docker exec here more

Let me know if any issue.
