I am working on my first file system mini-filter. I am using the SwapBuffers sample project in the WDK. I have successfully compiled and deployed this project to a VM from a physical laptop. But the installation from the INF file is failing. I looked in the log file in C:\DriverTest\Logs on the target machine and found these lines in the log file.
UserText="WDTF_TARGETS: Query("HardwareIDs='WDTF\NOEXIST'")"
UserText="WDTF_DRIVER_SETUP_SYSTEM: CreateRootEnumeratedDevicesFromPackage()"
UserText="WDTF_TEST: System has no device the driver package can be installed onto."
Here is the INF file. It is unmodified from the original sample.
;;; SwapBuffers
;;; Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation
signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = "Encryption" ;This is determined by the work this filter driver does
ClassGuid = {a0a701c0-a511-42ff-aa6c-06dc0395576f} ;This value is determined by the Class
Provider = %Msft%
DriverVer = 06/16/2007,
CatalogFile = swapbuffers.cat
DefaultDestDir = 12
MiniFilter.DriverFiles = 12 ;%windir%\system32\drivers
;; Default install sections
OptionDesc = %ServiceDescription%
CopyFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles
AddService = %ServiceName%,,MiniFilter.Service
;; Default uninstall sections
DelFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles
DelService = SwapBuffers,0x200 ;Ensure service is stopped before deleting
; Services Section
DisplayName = %ServiceName%
Description = %ServiceDescription%
ServiceBinary = %12%\%DriverName%.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\
Dependencies = "FltMgr"
LoadOrderGroup = "FSFilter Encryption"
AddReg = MiniFilter.AddRegistry
; Registry Modifications
; Copy Files
swapbuffers.sys = 1,,
1 = %DiskId1%,,,
;; String Section
Msft = "Microsoft Corporation"
ServiceDescription = "Swap Buffers Sample Mini-Filter Driver"
ServiceName = "SwapBuffers"
DriverName = "SwapBuffers"
DiskId1 = "SwapBuffers Device Installation Disk"
;Instances specific information.
Instance1.Name = "SwapBuffers Instance"
Instance1.Altitude = "141000"
Instance1.Flags = 0x0 ; allow automatic attachments
The VMware session has a single hard drive that shows up as a SCSI drive looking at DEVCON.
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here?
If your driver is not for a piece of hardware, go to
- select the "driver package"
- open "configuration"
- go to "driver install" -> "deployment"
- select "Do Not Install"
If needed use a custom command e.g. to run "svcctrl.exe" with the desired parameters.
inf install can fail on these common cases:
- The driver is not signed.
- The driver is a debug driver signed with the test certificate but the certificate wasn't installed on the target machine. The test certificate generated under your output dir (cer file). Copy it to the target machine and double click it.
- The target machine needs to have test signing enabled:
- Open admin console
- bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON
- reboot
I find it easier to install from a batch file (don't omit the "./"): RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ./MY_DRIVER_NAME.inf