Column family ID mismatch (found cebcc380-72d4-11e7-9a6b-bd620b945799; expected c05d6970-72d4-11e7-9a6b-bd620b945799)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-06 07:34:27

Am using Apache-cassandra-3.11.0 installed in Fedora 25 and the error above keeps repeating itself , after many google searches , i did decided to tackle it , i configured ntp to help Synchronizing Clocks in the cassandra cluster and then after the error appeared on another terminal tab i did
execute ./bin/nodetool drain for cassandra to stop accepting requests and then i did ./bin/nodetool stopdaemon to gracefully kill cassandra and then restarted the cassandra server and then started the lagom project again and after doing this process twice the error dissappeared and my application was able to load successfully with both cassandra and it working in harmony .
