Is it possible to send HTAREPLY with javascript without window.close()

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-06 06:11:34

The for /F command works this way: first execute the nested command, collect all its output and wait for it to terminate; then start to execute the commands in the for body with the collected lines. For this reason, you can not use for /F if you want simultaneous (parallel) execution...

You may use a pipe with the HTA part in the left side and Batch part in the right side. However, when set /P command read input from a pipe, it presents a strange behavior...

The solution is to use an auxiliary file, so HTA part write to it and Batch part read from it:

<!-- :: Batch section
@echo off

rem Initialize Batch side interface the first time
if "%~1" equ "interface" goto :interface

rem Empty pipe file
cd . > pipeFile.txt

echo Select an option:

rem Start HTA-Batch interface
mshta.exe "%~F0" >> pipeFile.txt  |  "%~F0" interface < pipeFile.txt
del pipeFile.txt
goto :EOF


set "HTAreply="
set /P "HTAreply="
if "%HTAreply%" equ "" goto interface

echo Reply: "%HTAreply%"
if "%HTAreply%" neq "EOF" goto interface
echo End of HTA window

goto :EOF



<TITLE>HTA Radio Buttons</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

var reply = "No button selected";
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
function sendreply(){

<p>Select an option.</p>
<label><input type="radio" name="option1" onclick="reply=this.value" 
<label><input type="radio" name="option2" onclick="reply=this.value" 
<label><input type="radio" name="option3" onclick="reply=this.value" 
<button onclick="sendreply()">Submit</button>
<button onclick="fso.GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine('EOF'); window.close()">Close</button>

In this solution HTA and Batch parts are started via a pipeline | just to run both in parallel; remember that the communication between the two parts is performed via the pipeFile...
