Consider the following SQLAalchemy
/ GeoAlchemy2
ORM with a geometry field:
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry, WKTElement
class Item(Base):
__tablename__ = 'item'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
geom = Column(Geometry(geometry_type='POINTZ', srid=4326))
When I update an item in the PostgreSQL shell:
UPDATE item SET geom = st_geomFromText('POINT(2 3 0)', 4326) WHERE id = 5;
Fetching the field:
items = session.query(Item).\
filter( == 3)
for item in items:
print item.geom
This isn't a proper WKB - at least, it does not parse with Shapely's loads
How do I get the lat
of the geom
geoalchemy2 to_shape function to convert a :class:geoalchemy2.types.SpatialElement
to a Shapely geometry.
in Item class :
from geoalchemy2.shape import to_shape
point = to_shape(self.geo)
return {
'latitude': point.y,
'longitude': point.x