Ansible jenkins_plugin module returns “HTTP Error 403: No valid crumb was included in the request”

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-06 05:35:18

Looks like a change to the crumb issuer in the 2.176 LTS release forces the inclusion of the web session id of the initial token generation call along with the crumb in subsequent calls that use said crumb.

CSRF tokens (crumbs) are now only valid for the web session they were created in to limit the impact of attackers obtaining them. Scripts that obtain a crumb using the /crumbIssuer/api URL will now fail to perform actions protected from CSRF unless the scripts retain the web session ID in subsequent requests.

In addition to the suggestion that you temporarily disable CSRF, the same doc suggests that you could only disable the new functionality, rather than CSRF as a whole, which should allow your packer/ansible to complete as it previously did, as-written.

To disable this improvement you can set the system property to true.


Adding the following line in /etc/default/jenkins cleared the CSRF issues in my own playbook (Ansible 2.8.4, Ubuntu 18.04, OpenJDK 11.0.4)


Might be a good-enough crutch until tool maintainers catch up with the API changes.

I was facing this issue too and given the pointer the work needed to be done in a session I opened a PR for ansible:

It is a small change and it should be possible to patch your local installation.

The solution I ended up applying was to disable CSRF using a handy piece of Groovy, and then re-enable it at the end of the play.

Thanks all for your help and recommendations.

It's exactly the cause @runningEagle mentioned. You need to propagate the initial session cookie value to all subsequent requests along with the crumb.

Required new Ansible code modifications:


# Requesting the crumb
  url: "<crumb_URL>"
register: response


# Actual action request
  url: "<action_URL>"
  headers: '{ ... , "Cookie": "{{ response.set_cookie }}", ... }'
