iOS: Questions about camera information within GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt result

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-06 05:11:11

Per its documentation, gluLookAt calculates centre - eye, uses that for some intermediate steps, then negatives it for placement into the resulting matrix. So if you want centre - eye back, the taking negative is explicitly correct.

You'll also notice that the result returned is equivalent to a multMatrix with the rotational part of the result followed by a glTranslate by -eye. Since the classic OpenGL matrix operations post multiply, that means gluLookAt is defined to post multiply the rotational by the translational. So Apple's implementation is correct, and the same as first moving the camera, then rotating it — which is correct.

So if you define R = (the matrix defining the rotational part of your instruction), T = (the translational analogue), you get R.T. If you want to extract T you could premultiply by the inverse of R and then pull the results out of the final column, since matrix multiplication is associative.

As a bonus, because R is orthonormal, the inverse is just the transpose.
