I'm building a new e2e test suite using Cucumber.js and I'd like to use TypeScript for my step files. When I create a new step and I press Alt+Enter
to have WebStorm generate a new step file the only option I am presented with is to create a JavaScript file.
Does anyone know how I can make this create a new step file in TypeScript?
Webstorm doesn't seem to provide a wizard for file type "TypeScript" so you might want to create your step definition file manually.
For the Simple Math Example a possible TS step definition file might look like this:
import * as cucumber from "cucumber";
module.exports = function () {
// Assign this to a typed variable so we have type-safe access
let sd: cucumber.StepDefinitions = this;
// The common variable is simply kept in function scope here
let variable: number = 0;
sd.Given(/^a variable set to (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
variable = parseInt(value);
sd.When(/^I increment the variable by (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
variable += parseInt(value);
sd.Then(/^the variable should contain (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
if (variable != parseInt(value))
throw new Error('Variable should contain '+value
+ ' but it contains ' + variable + '.');
Put this content in e.g. features/step_definitions/mathSteps.ts and paste the feature code from the example into a file called e.g. features/math.feature and you should have a running example.