How to specify ReplyTo EndpointReference in a JAX-WS client?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-06 04:05:21

I answer my own question.

It seems that the standard JAX-WS API does not provide a convenient way to customize the WS-Addressing From/ReplyTo/FaultTo endpoint references. However, each JAX-WS runtime may provide additional proprietary API to set the headers.

For example, the IBM JAX-WS RI provides an EndpointReferenceManager SPI to create the endpoint reference:


    public void testWSAddressing () {

    // get the port
    Hello hello = service.getHelloSoap11();

    // build a EndpiontReference of <wsa:ReplyTo>
    BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) hello;
    EndpointReference epr = EndpointReferenceManager.createEndpointReference(new URI(
    epr.setReferenceParameter(new QName("", "someRefParam"),

    ((BindingProvider) hello).getRequestContext()
            .put(WSAConstants.WSADDRESSING_REPLYTO_EPR, epr);

    HelloResponse response = hello.hello(request);

The above code, when running inside IBM Websphere, will produce a SOAP message like the following:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="">
        <someRefParam xmlns="">12345678</someRefParam>
</soapenv:Envelope >

I've found a way to do this with standard JAX-WS. When getting a port, use both AddressingFeature and OneWayFeature.

AddressingFeature addressingfeature = new AddressingFeature();
OneWayFeature onewayfeature = new OneWayFeature(true, new WSEndpointReference(YOUR_REPLY_TO_ADDRESS, AddressingVersion.W3C));

// get the port
Hello hello = service.getHelloSoap11(addressingfeature, onewayfeature);

This will produce messages with "ReplyTo" tag. You may have to grab "" dependency for this.
