ElastiCache with encryption uses TLS to communicate with redis client, yet as I've seen redis clients in all languages (ioredis, predis, go-redis) require a pem file when configuring the client to us TLS.
How can I connect to Elasticache with in-transit encryption without given the ceritificate for the TLS?
solution - no certificate is needed, just to enable TLS in the client (ioredis for example is just to have tls: {}
Here is my working demo code using Predis.
$servers = ['tls://master.my-test-redis.8juowe.euw2.cache.amazonaws.com:6379']; // your endpoint
$options = ['parameters' => ['password' => $password ]]; // put your password here
$redis = new Predis\Client($servers, $options ); // Instance your client